Some citations from the document:
[The model] reflects the old idea of de Broglie’s particlewave duality.
This model contains, on the one hand, a possible explanation of the work-energy exchange between the two separated motions, thereby providing an energy quantisation as originally postulated by Max Planck. On the other hand, the system perfectly obeys the Bohmian-type law of motion in full accordance with quantum mechanics.And specific about the double slit:
Then,on the basis of classical physics,the exact intensity distribution on a screen behind a double-slit has been derived, as well as the details of the more complicated particle current, or of the Bohmian particle trajectories, respectively.
- Double slit is no longer proof of non-classical quantum behavior. Apr, 2016
- Current-based Simulation Models of Quantum Motion, Johannes Mesa Pascasio, 26 April 2017
Thanks for this post, Albert Jan. Your reference 2 is a very nice piece of work. I hope it gets the attention it deserves. But knowing how deeply prejudicial the quantum community is, mostly likely this work will be ignored.