Wednesday 10 May 2017

Double slit is no longer proof of non-classical quantum behaviour II

A year ago I wrote a post about the same topic 1).  Very recently a new publication was posted on Arxiv, summarizing the latest work on classically simulating quantum effects appearing in single and double split experiments 2).
Some citations from the document:

[The model] reflects the old idea of de Broglie’s particlewave duality.
This model contains, on the one hand, a possible explanation of the work-energy exchange between the two separated motions, thereby providing an energy quantisation as originally postulated by Max Planck. On the other hand, the system perfectly obeys the Bohmian-type law of motion in full accordance with quantum mechanics.
And specific about the double slit:
Then,on the basis of classical physics,the exact intensity distribution on a screen behind a double-slit has been derived, as well as the details of the more complicated particle current, or of the Bohmian particle trajectories, respectively.  

  1. Double slit is no longer proof of non-classical quantum behavior. Apr, 2016 
  2. Current-based Simulation Models of Quantum Motion, Johannes Mesa Pascasio, 26 April 2017

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this post, Albert Jan. Your reference 2 is a very nice piece of work. I hope it gets the attention it deserves. But knowing how deeply prejudicial the quantum community is, mostly likely this work will be ignored.
