Sunday 23 February 2014

Experiment of the century

Joy Christian has proposed a macroscopic experiment to verify his theory in 2012 described in 'Macroscopic Observability of Spinorial Sign Changes under 2pi Rotations'. Now he and Richard Gill seems to have agreed on a bet to have this experiment performed in the presence of mutually trusted physicist. The stakes will be several thousand Euros. 

Joy's experiment is further described on his blog. It consists of balls that can be split in two identical halves. Each half contains a relatively heavy weight randomly attached to the hemisphere. The balls are given a random torsion, and, by heating them a bit, explode in the two hemispheres. The rotation of these halves will be registered by sensors. 

He has been trying to raise funds for this experiment since then. On Feb. the 22th Richard and Joy have settled the first terms for this experiment using the FQXI () forum here.
Andrei Khrennikov and Lucien Hardy, Hans De Raedt, Steve Weinstein (Perimeter), and Christopher Fuchs will be requested to be adjudicators for the experiment. We look forward to this happening!


  1. Why not use my well documented working experiments that demonstrate the failure of quantum mechanics in general. It is a beam-split coincidence test. I do it with gamma-rays to lay rest to the photon model, and I do it with alpha-rays to lay rest to the always applicable massive particle. See
    Also see my website
    Also, ask me for my SPIE paper. the abstract is linked from my website. Eric Reite

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