Wednesday, 28 September 2011

First high detection simulation available

In a search to implement a model from Robert Close (1) Chantal Roth found a model that reaches about 73% detection while having a CHSH of 2.8. From the literature it was clear that these model existed (2), but so far I had not been able to find code for this.

The hidden variable is a common angle theta, and the measurement formula (to calculate the spin for a particle)  is:

public int measure(double filter_angle, Particle particle) {
   double theta = particle.getTheta();
   int spin = (int) Math.signum(Math.sin(theta+ filter_angle));
   double pdetect = 2.3*Math.abs(Math.sin(theta + filter_angle));
   if (Math.random()<=pdetect) return spin;
   else return Integer.MIN_VALUE;

When Integer.MIN_VALUE is returned the particle pair is not counted.

Chantal has made the (Java) simulation available from Sourceforge.

  1. Robert Close, and Att.: the model discussed above is different from that of Robert Close.
  2. Part of LH models non-issue for scientific community,

Thursday, 15 September 2011

Another brick in the wall...

I came across some recent papers addressing alternatives to the classic quantum interpretation (Copenhagen view and related). Randall O'Reilly (1) argues that the formulas used in QM should be considered to be calculation tools, not describing the actual physical process, just as Newton was superseded by Einstein in describing gravity. Many paradoxes in QM can disappear when seeing matter as composed from just waves.

A somewhat similar line seems to have been followed by Robert Close (2), although I should admit I haven't read it yet. It's a 163 pages book that can be temporarily downloaded.

The last I like to mention is the work of Edwin Klingman (3), who summarizes some recent theoretical and experimental results that seems to invalidate the classical view of quantum processes

  1. Surely You Must All be Joking: An Outsider's Critique of Quantum Physics, Randall C. O'Reilly,
  2. The Classical Wave Theory of Matter, Dr. Robert A. Close,
  3. A Physics-based Disproof of Bell’s Theorem, Edwin Eugene Klingman,

Monday, 5 September 2011

Discussion on Joy Christian's work

There is an interesting discussion going on at the fqxi community site between Joy Christian and Florin Moldoveanu (and others) (and concerning Joy's description of the EPR statics using geometric algebra.

One should follow the blogs comments to really follow the arguments. It is one of the first discussions I have encountered on the web on Joy's work that is quite sophisticated and not dominated by preoccupied opinions*.

In some of the comments also the use of simulation models are discussed, and partial EPR-Bell model code (in javascript) is shared

* only yesterday I wrote this, but it seems today (sept, 6) the tone is changing. Pity